About the Author

Stuart Whitehair

Contact Stuart Whitehair

My history with the University of Colorado football team dates back to 1980, my freshman year in Boulder.

Remember 1980? The “Miracle on Ice” in Lake Placid? The election of Ronald Reagan as President? 1980 was also a year of infamy in Boulder. In the spring, CU cut a number of sports programs, including baseball and wrestling. That fall, the football team went 1-10, including infamous losses to Drake and to Oklahoma (were you there for 82-42?).

Yet there I was,in the stands, at every home game. In 1984, I received my B.A. (History/Political Science), going on to attend law school at CU (J.D., ‘87). For those of you counting at home, that is seven seasons in Boulder – with only one winning campaign (a 7-5 record in 1985). My loyalty was rewarded, however – I was there in the senior section for the epic 20-10 win over Nebraska in 1986.

Since graduating in 1987 and returning home to Bozeman, Montana, to open my law practice, I have remained true to my school. A longtime season ticket holder, (and former member of the CU Alumni Association Board of Directors), I commute 700 miles for most of the home games each season (for those games I can’t make, tickets are used by local Buff fans). I have watched CU in participate in bowl games in four time zones (I missed out on five by failing to attend the 1993 Aloha Bowl), and have traveled to such road venues as Lincoln, College Station, Austin, Columbus, and Athens, Georgia, to watch the Buffs.

I started CU at the Game as a book in 1996, with the idea of writing about all of the CU games I had attended since my freshman year in 1980. Research for the book led me to the late great Fred “The Count” Casotti (longtime CU administrator and CU Hall of Fame inductee), who introduced me to longtime CU Media Relations director Dave Plati, who graciously allowed me access to the CU Archives.

A few friends make regular appearances in my writings:

I have known Brad Geiger since 1982, when we met in Boulder. We went through CU undergrad and law school together. We have attended more CU games in tandem than either of us care to remember. Miami, Houston, Tempe, Los Angeles, Seattle, Austin, College Station, Athens and Lincoln are just some of the venues we visited. We have endured the tough seasons, and relished the great ones, and have done so together. Brad not only accompanies me to most CU games in Boulder, but he and his family share their home for many of my home game excursions. And, since 2020, Brad has been my partner on the CU at the Game Podcast, which can be found at all of the popular podcast sites, as well as here at Buzzsprout.

I met Randy Tafelmeyer in Bozeman in 1990. While not a CU grad, he is a CU convert. He made the long drive across eastern Wyoming with me for years. That’s a lot of miles over the years that I didn’t have to travel alone. Thank you, Randy!

When in Boulder, I often have the very good fortune of staying with Julie and her husband, Tony. I have known Julie since meeting her at Libby Hall in 1982, and while I can’t say that she is a CU fanatic (she has managed to procure a CU t-shirt or two over the years), she and her husband have graciously opened their home to me for many years. Tony has also been kind enough to share his passion for CU basketball (as well as his great season tickets right behind the visitors bench when I’m in town to watch the Buffs!).

One of the unexpected benefits of starting the website, which has been online since 2008, has been the opportunity to meet many of you. I have been blessed to be invited to tailgates and other CU functions over the years, and have made the acquaintance of many a Buff loyalist. My email is cuatthegame@gmail.com, if you ever want to connect up at a CU event. Oh, and my season tickets at Folsom Field have been in Section 218, row 72, seats 18-19 for the past 25 years or so – come up and say “hi”!

Personal: I have been married since 1994 to a wonderful woman, Lee. She brought into our marriage three fantastic children, and we have eight grandchildren to enjoy. Lee is an Ohio State grad, but she is not exactly a Buckeye fanatic (in graduate school, she had an office inside the football stadium, yet never attended a game!). Naturally, when we were dating, I was concerned about compatibility. I told Lee that I couldn’t propose to her until she had lived with me through a football season. She was in the stands with Brad and I for the 1993 Miami game/brawl. She survived that game in fine form, and I proposed a few weeks later.

Okay, it’s not the great American novel, but it’s my great American novel. With no sports to read or write about last year, I decided that it was time to stop talking about writing a book, and actually do it. “Due North” is a murder mystery set in scenic Paradise Valley, Montana.

A retired banker, Nelson Carpenter, invites a group of friends over for dinner, with the guests expecting an engagement to be announced. Instead, the host is poisoned by one of his guests. Kyle Johnson and Cheryl Lin, detectives from the Park County Sheriff’s office, are assigned to find the killer. Family intrigue, jealously, greed, and a little Montana history can all be found in a mystery played out against the backdrop of one the most scenic valleys in the world.

Due North: Murder and Mystery in Paradise Valley, Montana

Due Northcan be found at Amazon books, and is available in paperback, or to download to your Kindle.

In 2021, as a 60th birthday present to myself, I brought in our entire family for a game weekend. The grand total, including my wife, three kids and their spouses, and seven grandkids, was 15. The Buffs took care of business against Northern Colorado on Friday night of Labor Day weekend, winning 35-7. Just after halftime, CU at the Gamer Michelle G. gave me a great surprise – a birthday greeting on the big screen at Folsom Field.

Here’s what appeared in Folsom – hard to get a photo when you are in a hurry!

Here’s what it actually looked like on the jumbo-tron … 


25 Replies to “About the Author”

  1. Hi Stuart,
    After games I want to share my thoughts, but have to wait if I want it to be in the article about the game. I suspect others feel the same, and I’d like to see their thoughts too. Would it be possible to post the game article right away, basically empty, so that we can start to use the comment section please? Then of course update it with the write up once you’ve got it. I love this site. Thank you for it.

  2. Hey Stuart.
    I must not be reading CU Buff news in the right place. For example in today’s poll you mentioned Dempsey give team updates. I have no idea what you are talking about. Or you might mention a new recruit in a poll I have not heard about yet. Somehow it seems the poll gets set up before I see news on it. So, I just kind of have to vote blind. You are really the only source of CU information for me. Could we at least get something in the news section the same day as the poll, so we have some information on the topic.

    1. Hi Steve,
      The video is under the “Colorado Daily” heading, with a tongue-in-cheek “State of Program” press conference.

  3. Hi Stuart, I just finished reading your book “Due North” and wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed it. I thought that it was very impressive for a first time novelist. Love the CU at the game site and all that you do to support our alma mater, Go Buffs!

  4. Stuart,
    You guys do an excellent job of covering the Buffs. I really appreciate your reasonable, fact based opinions. When so many of the other websites are melting down, it is nice to have a place to go and listen to objective discussion on the Buffs. Please keep up the good work young man (I’m class of ’86). Go Buffs.

  5. did you get our message that we are coming to bozeman march-13-15. wanted to see you. any chance ?

    1. Had a tear in my eye on the long touchdown pass in the fourth quarter, making it 35-17. At that point, it became real.
      Fifty years is a long time to wait. The eight-year old me would be very happy today!

  6. Stu, nice work here. Your article that has Buff recruits 12-17, list Nigel bethel as having to sit out in 2020. That is not right. He enrolled in fall semester and thus will have 3 years to play starting in 2020.

  7. Stu- Think I owe you an apology? Read the SI report on HC options for CU and posted; noticed it was dropped and hope I did not cause a problem for you with the web site…. First time I posted anything I believe ! Been on the blog since you created it more yrs. back the I can remember, AND I really look forward to the FB notes/blogs/ articles. Again, my apologies … and I’ll probably sit back and observe…. obviously, I am not read in well on all the “rules. Cheers, Jim

    1. No worries. No problem posting a link to a free story.
      It’s all good … thanks for sticking with the website through some lean years. Here’s hoping that we’re on our way to a new era of solid results with the new coach!

  8. So You coming back for homecoming?
    Going to the CLE on saturday?

    I won’t be at the CLE but I will be there for food and drinks after.


    1. I’ll be in town, but not at the law school (30th reunion last year, I’ve done enough time in the new building).
      Probably heading for the Pac-12 pregame show (#GameDayLite) over by Franklin Field.

  9. Thanks so much for your fanaticism. I’m a 1961 Business School grad whose first CU game was a 0-35 loss to Oregon, I was devastated, however, we recovered to go to the Orange Bowl. I was perhaps also the first Chip. I was on the sidelines in 1960 in a paper mache outfit as well as beneath the basket for home basketball games that year.

  10. Stu….Thank you sooooo much for putting this website together. I have been coming to this website for many years and is usually the first site I go to in the morning. Keep up the good work!!

  11. STu, Charlie from the east coast, looking forward to late nights watching my Buffs. I think they will be a lot better this year, we’ll know after Nebraska I think. thanks for all the good info.

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