CU At The Game Podcast – Pet Peeves Bracket Challenge

We’re going to have a little fun with this episode, one which we are calling the “Pet Peeves Bracket Challenge”. I am joined by Neil Langland, and we are going to run through a Sweet Sixteen of college football annoyances, working our way towards a signature Pet Peeve.

If you are not driving while listening to this episode, I recommend taking a pen and a piece of paper, so you can pick your own winners, and come up with your own Final Four and ultimate champion Pet Peeve.

So … Which bothers you most as a college football fan: Your team going from the shotgun on fourth-and-inches? … Or … Throwing a six-yard completion on third-and-seven? … Which is more annoying: The useless between quarters coach interviews? … Or … Your team fooling no one by trying to draw the opposition offside on a fourth-and-two at the 42-yard line?

If you enjoy this episode, let us know your most frustrating Pet Peeves, and we’ll put them up for review on a future episode.

For now, which of our Sweet Sixteen Pet Peeves will be crowned champion? …

Let’s find out …

Note … Going forward, the CU at the Game Podcast will no longer be affiliated with Mile High Sports. If you are interested in advertising your business on future CU at the Game podcasts, drop me a note at

Most recent CU at the Game Podcast episodes … 

Below is Episode 11 of Season 5 for the CU at the Game Podcast. You can listen to the podcast simply by clicking on the play button below, or listen to it at Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio … or wherever you find your podcasts!

4 Replies to “CUATG Podcast: Pet Peeves Bracket”

  1. Overall, it’s gotta be the drive extending penalty on defense. At least with the short 3rd down pass, it sets up a potential fourth-and-short attempt.

    The nature of the defensive penalty, however, does make some difference. A questionable call from a ref makes me less angry than an awful miscue from a player.

    1. Really hate when the defense gets a 3rd down stop and a defensive penalty lets the opponent’s offense stay on the field. It’s even worse when the opponent scores on the very next play; or a couple of plays later even.

      And it really sucks when it’s a homer call or a ticky tac foul that they haven’t been calling and the refs decide on THAT crucial play to enforce the penalty… A homer call.

      And, I really hate back to back turn overs, when my team gets the ball off a turn over and on the very next play the offense turns it back over. Obviously we hate all TOs on our offense, but the ones right after a recovered ball on defense, hurt a little more; missed opportunities.

    1. ditto. Add to that the line of scrimmage sideline pass, what ever the slang is for it, that some teams seem to try every other play when it only breaks for yardage about 1 in 8 tries.

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