Polls Archive

Colorado accepts invitation to join the Pac-10 ...
  • I'm sooo excited!! Bring on the Pac 12/16!! (81%, 170 Votes)
  • I have concerns. Will the Buffs be able to compete in the new Pac-12/16? (15%, 31 Votes)
  • I am not pleased. 100-year old rivalries sacrificed at the altar of the almighty dollar. (4%, 9 Votes)

Start Date: June 10, 2010 @ 11:22 am
End Date: No Expiry

Colorado to the "Pac-16". Your thoughts ...
  • I love the idea. Get it done ... now! (50%, 89 Votes)
  • I have reservations. Colorado in the same division with Texas and Oklahoma? Yuck. (35%, 63 Votes)
  • I hate the idea. Anyone remember something called "tradition"? Old rivalries? (10%, 18 Votes)
  • Much ado about nothing. At the end of the day, everyone will stay in their present conferences. (5%, 9 Votes)

Start Date: June 4, 2010 @ 4:18 pm
End Date: No Expiry

Preseason magazines are coming out. My plans are to ...
  • Try and ignore them. CU 4th-6th in the North? 50th-80th nationwide? Yuck. (62%, 32 Votes)
  • Snap them up. I'm a CFB fan, and its a long wait until September! (23%, 12 Votes)
  • Glance at them in the stores, read a bit online. They all say the same things. (15%, 8 Votes)

Start Date: June 1, 2010 @ 6:52 pm
End Date: No Expiry

Should Dan Hawkins have been given a 5th season?
  • No. The plug should have been pulled last Thanksgiving. Retention means another losing season and another poor recruiting class. (66%, 135 Votes)
  • Yes. His recruits; his staff. Give Hawk a chance. After all, McCartney only had one winning season in his first five years. (34%, 70 Votes)

Start Date: May 23, 2010 @ 10:15 am
End Date: No Expiry

Plati poll, Part Two: Assuming the Buffs join the "Pac-12", which other school should join?
  • Utah (59%, 105 Votes)
  • Boise State (10%, 17 Votes)
  • Other / No opinion (9%, 16 Votes)
  • Nebraska (8%, 14 Votes)
  • Colorado State (7%, 13 Votes)
  • BYU (4%, 7 Votes)
  • Air Force (3%, 6 Votes)

Start Date: May 16, 2010 @ 9:11 am
End Date: No Expiry

5 Replies to “Polls Archive”

  1. The Buffs need to wear the silver and gold that are the official school colors. Black jerseys are OK as the’ve been around for a long time, but out with the black helmets–and the white ones too. Gold helmets with silver pants, alternating with silver helmets and gold pants would be good. Nix on all black and all white!!

  2. Stuart, your polls are so thoughtful and on point. Appreciate you doing this and sharing it with your CUAtTheGame community.

  3. Wouldn’t mind the Cheez-It Bowl at all, as I have connections at Kellogg’s (owns Cheez-it) who could get me tickets!! Is that Cheezy??? 🙂

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